
Setting up a Zigbee WiFi bridge using Tasmota and Sonoff hardware

Introduction This post is about bridging Zigbee devices to my Home Assistant server. From Wikipedia : “Zigbee is a low-cost, low-power, wireless mesh network standard targeted at battery-powered devices in wireless control and monitoring applications. Zigbee delivers low-latency communication. Zigbee chips are typically integrated with radios and with microcontrollers.” Make sure to not confuse with Z-Wave, they are […]

Building Homie Devices for IoT or Home Automation

Intro This instructable is part of my DIY Home Automation series, check out main article “Planning a DIY Home Automation System“. If you don’t know yet what Homie is, have a look at homie-esp8266 + homie from Marvin Roger.There are many many sensors. I’m covering the very basic ones in order to give reader the requirements to get started building […]